Excerpts from Radical….What it was like growing up at the beach in the early 70’s.
On a typical Summer Saturday or Sunday, train after train would bring hundreds of the “Weekend Warriors” down to the sand. It didn’t go down well with the regular beach hangers. Every 20 minutes like clockwork there was a continual parade of Bankstown suburbanites streaming across the pedestrian crossing outside the station then gradually dispersing in groups along the beach as they headed north towards Wanda. The more obvious Westie kids were treated like Lepers. At times it became a competition to see who could come up with the funniest name to call the train invaders.
Surfing on weekends is like manoeuvring through a battlefield full of sharp missiles as legropes haven’t been invented yet. Old geezers on Bonka’s so large the kids call them battleships are best avoided. The twin fin crew with their wide leg stances are slipping and sliding out of control .Out in the lineup Sea Cows bob up and down on their inflated surf mats. The Billies can’t even make it past the shore break; flapping their arms and kicking their legs they resemble the sight of an epileptic seagull having a seizure.
At just 14, Murf rode his single fin Gordon & Smith* stubby square tail with a flowing natural style. His roundhouse cutbacks were reminiscent of MP who all the kids tried to imitate. His hair was long with surfer blonde matted sun bleached streaks. Murf was easily the best rider amongst the regular crew. When it came to pulling chicks he had the moves as well. Possessing the classic Surfie tanned looks he could talk the skirt off any young maidens he met. It was a fact, the better you surfed and the longer your hair the more roots you could pull. Murf seemed blessed.
Gangs of Sharps loved their music and followed tougher sounding rock bands like Slade, Buster Brown and The Coloured Balls who were extremely popular with Lobby Lloyd on guitar. Lobby wore the Sharp haircut and attracted a huge aggressive following wherever the band played. Fights would always break out in front of the stage. When Slade toured in the early 70’s every Sharpie from here to Timbuktu turned up in force to see them. Northside beach band Tamam Shud who played on Evolution and Morning of The Earth soundtracks were popular with Surfers who would also flock to here them play live. This was before the introduction of Booze buses which destroyed the live band/pub scene.
Highway Surfers……..The Panelvan was more than a just car, it became a integral part of 70s culture and lifestyle. Some owners became so obsessed with the look of their van they customized their Panno’s both inside and out. As for the girls it was a kind of status symbol to date a boyfriend who owned a custom Fuck Truck. With shagpile carpet in the back no girls could resist the temptation. A big night out was laying on the matress in the back, side by side with your best mate while you both screwed your girlfriends at the Drive-in.
When the dole cheques arrived, those up for a road adventure would throw in for petrol, strap the boards to the roof racks and hit the first highway out of the city. In a much loved Kombi which was soon headed for the scrap heap they were packed in tight with plenty of mull, booze and music cassettes. The floor was a layer of filth. Most important for the journey was a large supply of well worn porno mags with titles like Ribald, Busty Bimbo’s and Swedish Ta Ta’s. The close quarters and weed haze had everyone enjoying themselves immensely. Naturally the trip consisted of over exaggerated yarns from the outset with everyone on board trying to outdo one another’s best story. The 2-foot toothless Wobbegong soon turns into Jaws while tales of assorted sexual conquests would put porn star Johnny Wad to shame. Photo Tea Tree Bay Noosa.